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Now that I have your attention with a fantastic eye catching headline. Just a short memo on reading.

For all new followers the past week.

I usually do a “Sunday morning reads” thread on Twitter, but I did it yesterday instead. Usually consists of articles from various news sources I find valuable to market commentary. Small, but very useful when forming market thesis. As an investor you cannot read enough. Not just financial statements, I am talking WSJ articles, opinion pieces, Barron’s, CNBC, seeking alpha, Bloomberg, FinTimes, etc. But you do not want to waste time. If you find yourself not getting any useful information, stop reading and move onto the next. Time is valuable and markets move fast. No time for reading some dingo on SA who regurgitates what the other writers said on the same name. Everyone has something to say, parse out what is useful vs what is noise.

Thinking different is key 🔑

The ability to distinguish noise from fact, not only on your individual holdings, but the market in general in my view will make you a better investor. Noise from fact will also help you gut volatility.

Thank you
Fiducia B

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