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Happy Wife, Happy Life! (Hopefully? 😁)
I started a small position in $POSH because my wife was using it and told me she loves it. I am always looking for an angle and one trick I have learned in the past is to listen to the women in your life. Women control on average 80% of household spend so when it comes to consumer discretionary they are a great source of information! Couple this with the fact that Wall St. / traders / investors are all male dominated. This asymmetry can be extremely useful if you just recognize it! My thought process is that the male traders will not recognize the trend as quickly as my wife will and that’s where the money could be made.

What I like about this trade is that the company’s market cap is tiny, only $1.3B. It is at a 52 week low of ~$17.00 with a high of $105 so I feel like I’m buying off the floor.

I admittedly have some home work to do before I determine if this will be a trade or if it is a company worth holding and investing in. I would love to know what the Commonstock community thinks of $POSH and if anyone has tried similar strategies like this and had success!

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