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Weekly market review
Weekly market review (total return, week/YTD)

$SPY +2.59%/-16.56%
$QQQ +3.47%/-24.00%
$VTV +1.51%/-8.24%
$VUG +3.72%/-25.18%
$ARKK +4.85%/-51.10%
Portfolio +2.96%/-14.58%

Great up week for the markets until Snap ruined it for everybody 😅

Last week wasn’t really that important because this week will be absolutely crazy. All the big tech companies are reporting earnings which will have a huge impact on the market and finally give us more information about the real state of the economy.

On top of that, the FED is going to raise interest rates between 75bps and 100bps this week. This has been anticipated of course, but who knows what additional comments on the economy come out of the meeting. This could move the market in either direction, too.

Since I’m mainly invested in the companies reporting this week, there probably will be volatility in the portfolio. In the short term, everything can happen. However, I’m invested in high-quality companies that I bought below intrinsic value, so long-term everything should work out.

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