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Portfolio changes - update 16
decided to swap my $TEAM shares for $NOW. $TEAM is a big player in a software tools space, primarily for SW Teams, IT Teams and Business teams. every single of those categories I have an exposure to mostly through players like $MSFT $GOOGL $CRM and will have to some degree through $NOW but a lot more besides that.

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this company was going through my mind for a bit, even researched it before and was prepared to buy in but paused it then because I believed there's not much stuff it adds to my overall exposure given that I had multiple companies that had some similar pieces of solutions to ServiceNow. a lot has changed since then, as you can see and now I believe it fits my portfolio well. this weekend and on Monday I finally went deeper again and I'm convinced I found a lot of great things I like to look at, an awesome fit for my aggregated exposure around specific investment themes around which I built my portfolio, their optionality in the space is truly insane and the leadership is nothing short of excellence. it scored very high, placing it at 4th place when ranking the amount of spaces I want to be exposed to, just behind $MSFT $GOOGL and $SNOW.

so I ended up buying $NOW today and also added to my semi allocation $AMD and $NVDA to compensate for the liquidation of my $QCOM position, like I discussed in my other post.

Modern Growth Investing's avatar
Yeah I agree i like $NOW > $TEAM currently, but I will be dropping them after 2-3 years and buy another player!
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