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Could antitrust regulators go after $MA and $V
The Economist notes that America is home to the highest interchange fees of any major economy because of the duopoly between Mastercard and Visa.

When I look on the internet for articles about Mastercard and Visa antitrust issues, I've found many of them. These issues have been going on for years, and this is only the first time I've heard of these issues.

Mastercard can spend money all of the antitrust lobbying it wants, but in April of this year, a judge opened an antitrust case against $V for debit cards. And Mastercard is also a duopoly with Visa in regards to debit cards.

Investors should be cautious about "buying the dip" or "buying the channels" present in these credit card stocks because, under the Biden Administration, antitrust issues are becoming a bigger concern. According to the American Bar Association, President Biden has stepped up antitrust enforcement. Essentially, he has reversed a 40-year trend of reduced antitrust enforcement.

Actions like these are making $META investors nervous. And while the media puts Meta in the spotlight, the media seems quiet about Visa and Mastercard despite reporting stories on them.

The Economist
Can the Visa-Mastercard duopoly be broken?
It is bad for American consumers and retailers—and it is under threat

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