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The Value of Physical Information
Something I've learned to be extremely valuable over the past year is in-person research. Whether it's going to stores in person or having conversations with staff, employees, suppliers, etc, physical information is a massive game-changer.

When we're all at our screens, we're just massaging information available to everyone else in a slightly different way, there's no real value add. But when you get physical information, you're going out of your way to find public (and legal) information that almost nobody puts the effort in to uncover. This physical information is difficult to put into numbers and quantify, but qualitative information like this can lead to massive outperformance over time.

I've been lucky enough to have the time to do this for $BBW, $FB, and a few others, but look forward to doing this more in the future. Speaking of... I see a new $KRUS location opened near me @eggplant, time for me to do a channel check?

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