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Top investors this month
May Roth IRA Portfolio Review
Top 5 Positions
  1. $KMB - 17.2%
  2. $HSY - 10.2%
  3. $SBUX - 8.7%
  4. $VTI - 8.0%
  5. $VNQ - 7.8%

Portfolio Value
April '23 Month End: $10,499.16
May '23 Month End: $10,299.01
Value Difference: -$200.15
Performance: -4.9% (excluding contributions)
Portfolio vs S&P
April '23 S&P Month End: $4,167.87
May '23 S&P Month End: $4,179.83
S&P % Difference: +0.29%
% Difference Portfolio vs S&P: -5.2% (excluding contributions)
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May '23: $11.84
May '22: $8.29
% Difference: +18.2%
PADI: $260.49 to $267.90 (+2.8%)
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$HSY - 1 share at $274.12

$EMB - 0.0176 shares via dividend reinvestment
$LQD - 0.0137 shares via dividend reinvestment

$LOW - 0.0051 shares via dividend reinvestment

$CARR - 0.0591 shares via dividend reinvestment
Summary & Commentary
A down month, but continued to buy income. It is cool to see that PADI trend starting to climb. The purpose of this portfolio is to continue to build a dividend income portfolio to utilize tax-free in retirement.

$KMB, my largest position, had a slight tail down at the end of the month which had an outsized impact on my portfolio's performance.

As always, would love to hear your feedback, questions, or input in the comments!

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