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Portfolio changes - update 13
Hey fam! Yesterday, I made a bunch of new changes to my portfolio:

  • Sold out of $PATH and instead will have an exposure to RPA market via $MSFT and it's Power Automate product, which btw is growing like crazy, their whole Power package is growing 72% YoY on 2B TTM revenues, which is just mindblowing.

Here, from their last earnings call:

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  • I still think $PATH is an awesome company, though at this point in time I prefer platforms with multiple products and I just don't feel like $PATH fulfills that, so there's that. Though like I said, I'll still have exposure through Power Automate from Microsoft which is also in this leader category based on Gartner's rankings so I'm comfortable doing it this way, with fewer holdings.
  • Instead, I decided to add to my $MSFT (again 😂😂), $PLTR and $HUBS

What are you doing? Are you buying? And if so, let me know what, I'm interested!

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