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Growth Portfolio - April 2022
April 2022 performance: -24% (Worst month since March 2020)

Top holdings by weight:
$TSLA 15%
$NET 7%
$U 4%
$SQ 4%
Rest of holdings ~ 30%

  • I own a very small position in $PTON. Down significantly by 60%, decided that it doesn't make sense for me to sell. Will see what happens with the new CEO (good reputation) and potential new direction. If I see interesting things, I may keep building. If I still see bad management actions, I may end up selling.
  • $TDOC I own a full position and down also 56%. I am not selling, it doesn't make sense at this point. Once again, another case of management not at the required level. Management and boards can be changed and corrected. Will hold and see what happens in the following quarters.
  • Added new money from paychecks to almost all of my top holdings to keep my cost basis weight.
  • Not trimming $TSLA (probably the only holding I would not trim over 15%)

Joey Hirendernath's avatar
Hi Alberto

Really appreciate the transparency here. I think keeping a close eye on management and the direction they take is the best course of action at this point for $PTON. What are your thoughts on CEO Barry McCarthy’s recent decision to raise subscription fees while cutting prices for its Bikes and other equipment?
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