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Portfolio changes - update 5
I sold my starter position in $AMZN because:

  • I'm no big fan of Jassy's leadership
  • I don't really care about the e-commerce side too much and so really when I put things side by side, I care about Gaming, Ads, Streaming, Subscriptions, Cloud Computing

When you think about it, $MSFT has all of that with way better leadership (IMO), consistently beating expectations, not so vulnerable to macro environment and way better optimized for cash flows and profits, so instead I'll likely add to my $MSFT position there.

I sold $ETSY too, since there's positions which I have a higher conviction in, in my Gig Economy allocation, for example $FVRR.

I initiated a position in $QCOM, as planned since several weeks ago when I made a post about it.

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