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Dividend Stock #11 - $SON
Hello fellow investors,
It's a long time since I don't make a new post for this series, so I am happy to finally find some time to move along the list of all my dividend invoices.
Today my Dividend Stock portfolio has 55 positions, so this is post #11 of #55.

Today's stock is not a well-known company and for sure not one of the stocks that make the newspaper headlines, but it is a strong and reliable business.
The company is Sonoco Products.

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Sonoco produces and market packaging solution for retail and industrial clients; the tube of Pringles chips? They do it. The M&M flexible package? Also Sonoco!
And, of course, thousands of other similar solutions for their hundreds of clients.
I am pretty sure that there is at least one product with a Sonoco package in your home.

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Sonoco is not a tech company; you are not investing in it for massive growth but for a steady and long-term return. We are talking about a $5.5B business with single-digit revenue growth and a strong dividend-oriented mindset.

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Even if the company froze the dividend in 2020 due to the pandemic, they again started again with the increasing policy, and everything is back on track.

The company is also experiencing continuous growth due to the high demand for packaging (especially sustainable ones) and is also very active in the front of M&A; in the first quarter of 2022, they bought Ball Metalpack for around $1.3B, adding approximately extra $900M revenue.

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The acquisition of Ball Metalpack was financed by issuing three green bonds with expiration in 2025, 2027, and 2032 with a low interest rate. It was a great deal done before the interest rate hike and allowed Sonoco to secure such financing at every low price.

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$SON has been part of my dividend portfolio for many years now, representing 1.17% exposure and up to now, a +24% return (dividend excluded)

Here is the link to the Q2.2022 Earning Prestantion

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