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Rookie - A Month Later
Hey everyone!
I hope all is well, and everyone is staying safe.

Thought I would try to provide an update! (Not going to lie it is a great opportunity to for me to evaluate my positions as well as get any feedback).
@amanda, @eric, @mcd - Thank you for taking the time to welcome me, and any of the feedback. Amanda, thank you for letting me know I am not the only one with "Gain Realization Issues". In Canada it is a little different as we have a few different account options - Some being tax sheltered (TFSA), and some not (Personal). I've tried to keep as much as I can in the shelterd portion for now, as being new - there isn't big money in play.

I tried to keep everyting similar in layout - and in general I am pretty happy.
No changes for the time being, as I am in more of an evaluation phase as I am expecting some uncertinty in the future.

LABS.TO - 20.79% - (-73.22%) Previous (-63.98%)
BU.TO - 31.93% - (+237.5%) Previous (+168%)
PMW.V - 27.95% - (+41.63%) Previous (+28.01%)
RHT.V - 19.35% - (-26.93%) Previous (-36.4%)
  • Overall as mentioned, I am pretty happy. Have seen some growth in the Canadian investments (with the exception of LABS).
LABS, I do believe does have a potential future being an extraction company. They have recently announced leadership changes, which could help going forward. (provided they can find suitable persons) - With that belief in mind, it would seem like a good opportunity now to average down as it is more of a long-term hold.
BU - Still moving strong and I don't see any real upset to the alternative meats market in the medium term
PMW - Not much news, and no real results on what has been found or plans to proceed. Again, I don't see an immediate change in the requirement for rare earth materials with the increased adoption to EV. More information from the company would be nice.
RHT - Still unsure how in a highly digital/remote medicine company is not thriving in the current global condition.

$PBW - 33.8% - (+201.71%) Previous (+139.63%)
$IYG - 13.75% - (+35.23%) Previous (+28.08%)
$NWBO - 11.4% - (+20.43%) Previous (+20.57%)
$ARKK - 13.36% - (+135.85%) Previous (+87.33%)
$ARKF - 10.48% - (+111.21) Previous (+87.53%)
VET.TO - 9.46% - (+5.05%) Previous (-26.75%)
$RSP - 6.06% - (+39.87%) Previous (+31.53%)
XUU.TO - 1,68% - (+11.61%) Previous (+9,62%)
  • Overall, I am happy with my initial research and choice - both in diversification as well as in results.
Of note - VET.TO I am happy to see making a move. With the slow reopening of global transportation, I am happy to see this is following that trend.
$NWBO - Still waiting for the findings of the Phase 3 clinical trial. Data is locked and is in review - so will see what happens with the stock price. I do hope regardless of the investment, that it does improve both length and quality of life for those who are diagnosed. That is the primary objective.

The question now becomes - as both the year, and the release of a vaccine the trillion dollar question is; what happens now? $PBW has seen exceptional growth, and I don't personally believe that Green Energy is going anywhere. $ARKK Innovation is going to be in everything that we do. I hope they continue to manage the holdings as markets change (Tesla being added to SP500 etc). $ARKF Fintech and Crypto have become some of my new research items, as they have the potential to change the way payments, global transactions. Obviously more research required on my end but I think the potential is there. (I did notice a crypto group on here I may have to check out).

Thank you again everyone for taking the time to read and any feedback. As we inch ever closer to the holiday/Christmas season, stay safe, stay healthy and remember to make someone smile, It is a strange and different world out there for everyone. You never know what a little kindness will change for someone else.

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