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$MSFT Earnings
Some stats for those interested

  • Office Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 12% (up 14%) driven by Office 365 Commercial revenue growth of 17% (up 20% CC)

  • Office Consumer products and cloud services revenue increased 11% (up 12%) and Microsoft 365 Consumer subscribers grew to 58.4 million

  • LinkedIn revenue increased 34% (up 35%)

  • Dynamics products and cloud services revenue increased 22% (up 25%) driven by Dynamics 365 revenue growth of 35% (up 38%)

  • Server products and cloud services revenue increased 29% (up 32%) driven by Azure and other cloud services revenue growth of 46% (up 49%)

  • Windows OEM revenue increased 11%

  • Windows Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 14% (up 19%)

  • Xbox content and services revenue increased 4% (up 6%)

  • Search and news advertising revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs increased 23% (up 25%)

  • Surface revenue increased 13% (up 18%)

  • Microsoft returned $12.4 billion to shareholders in the form of share repurchases and dividends in the third quarter of fiscal year 2022, an increase of 25% compared to the third quarter of fiscal year 2021.

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