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How Nvidia’s Empire Could Be Eroded - Intel Network And Edge Has The Playbook
In this post we discuss in detail, ORAN and VRAN as well as Intel's 5G infrastructure platform.
We discuss a brand new variant of Sapphire Rapids called Sapphire Rapids EE which has new instructions and is entirely different silicon than other forms of Sapphire Rapids.

We also discussed OpenVINO in detail. This is an awesome stack of software that is letting Intel be competitive in inference.
That is of course, outside of Habana. We discuss how much of a multi-billion dollar blunder Habana is.
Poor software.
Poor hardware.
Delays in the roadmap.

We also discussed IPDK and Intel's IPU / DPU in detail. The IPDK software stack is awesome and arguably better than Nvidia's DOCA.
It's ahead on P4 support and support for diskless server arch.
Marvell is adopting the open platform, a death sentence for Nvidia's closed platform.

We also discuss P4, Tofino switches, and Nvidia's SHARP. This is a very cool battle for scale up AI training. Nvidia is winning for now but can they sustain?

This quote from Sachin Katti is a banger. It's the playbook for how Intel can beat Nvidia's software platform.

"Our job is to show the world that you can consolidate and run all of these different specific point specific workloads on general purpose platforms and consolidate them using containerized or virtualized technologies. Often the world is too conservative to adopt this and so we have to show them how to do it. Once they are adopted, then it gets going, the flywheel gets going, people invent more and more things.
We like to create languages that abstract the hardware out, allow you to write the specific logic that you need for that domain, whether it's packet processing in the case of P4, whether it's IPDK for infrastructure processing, whether it's FlexRAN for radio processing, and compile it down to the hardware at runtime depending on what you need.
NEX builds not only hardware, but it also builds software to show the world it is feasible. We invest in software to reduce the time to market to build these kinds of applications."
How Nvidia’s Empire Could Be Eroded - Intel Network And Edge Has The Playbook
Nvidia’s software expertise has propelled them to completely dominating the markets they operate in. Intel Network and Edge Group has a successful playbook to fight back. They have come to dominate many areas of hardware with this playbook. In this post we will discuss the playbook in detail.

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