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Nvidia GTC Keynote
Nvidia GTC CEO Keynote Summary ICYMI

  • New GeForce RTX 4090 and 4080 (Huge increase graphics-wise.)
  • Nvidia Drive Thor is its next-generation superchip, based on the Hopper GPU architecture, paired with the Nvidia Grace CPU.
  • Nvidia Drive Concierge: a complete in-vehicle infotainment system.
  • Omniverse Cloud and Nvidia’s Graphics Delivery Network: Omniverse Cloud was announced earlier this year as Nvidia’s complete suite of cloud services for people building out the future of the metaverse — without the need for all that performance in your actual computer. New additions to the suite of services include the robotics simulation application, Nvidia Isaac Sim, as well as the autonomous vehicle simulation,
Nvidia Drive Sim.
  • Many more announcements such as two new large language models, the NeMo API for
natural language AI applications, and BioNeMo for applications in chemistry and

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Here's a summary of what I think were the most important points during the Nvidia GTC 2022 Keynote that Jensen Huang gave. 🔥50% Discount Seeking Alpha: http...

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