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"The Market" Live Stock Pitching Game
Mark your calendars! The next round of "The Market" stock pitching game will be on Saturday June 12th at 10:00am PST / 1:00pm EST / 6:00pm UK time.

We have an awesome lineup of pitchers:

Rihard Jarc @rihardjarc
Paul Essen @pessen
Jon Medearis @jonmedearis
Amit @amit
Kiran @coin

If you'd like to attend, please RSVP by DMing me. (I can send calendar invites too if you provide your email).

Join The Market group channel on Commonstock for further updates and to get access to the Zoom link when we go live!:

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How to Play:
  • 8 min: 3-4 participants have 2 minutes to pitch a stock of their choosing
  • 15 min: Q&A and rebuttal
  • 2 min: Group votes for best pitch

Voting Criteria
  • The stock you believe will be an outperformer, or
  • The most compelling pitch

You can vote at:
Or text "COMMONSTOCK727" to 22333

The pitch with the most votes is crowned the winner and gets special capabilities for future Market games.
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