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The rational behind Soluna $SLNH
It's always fun to get DMs from people asking about your portfolio holdings: @wjared
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Here's why I bought Soluna (not to be confused with Solana)

The thesis behind Soluna (at least for me) was to benefit from the Bitcoin and crypto ecosystem while not being exposed to Bitcoin's price.

Soluna builds bitcoin mining rigs next to renewable energy power farms.

Renewable energy has a very pesky problem of matching up supply and demand. Wind energy in particular is quite mercurial— the wind blows when it wants to blow. All too often energy is created when no one needs it and not producing enough energy when everyone needs it.

Soluna helps solve the situation when energy is being created but demand is low.

If the wind is blowing strong but the local power grid doesn't need more juice, a lot of the electricity generated goes to waste because there aren't batteries powerful enough to store the energy.

It's actually kind of an incredible problem.

Soluna builds bitcoin mining rigs right next to wind farms and buys their excess electricity for very low prices. This makes the wind farms happy because they would have wasted the electricity— now they get paid for everything they produce! Albeit at a reduced rate. But better than nothing!

And Soluna then uses that electricity to mine Bitcoin.

By reducing their energy costs, Soluna can Bitcoin more efficiently and profitably than other miners.

Soluna sells the Bitcoing they mine almost right away. The CEO of the company isn't a Bitcoin fanatic, he is on record saying he just sees an opportunity to help out wind farms while also making a profit. Bitcoin just happens to be tool.

My thesis was, since Soluna sells their Bitcoin right away, the company wouldn't be correlated to Bitcoin's price. It should be "safer" because the way they make money has more to do with the rise of wind power.

However, the market has not agreed with me. Since Soluna is a Bitcoing mining company, the market see's "Bitcoin" and trades $SLNH down when Bitcoin goes down. I think Soluna has noticed that and there is no longer any mention of Bitcoin on the landing page of their website. Instead it focuses on "selling every megawatt" of clean energy. Which is indeed their value proposition.

Here is their website:

Welcome to Renewable Computing - Soluna
Soluna - Google

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