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Tesla tops list of Autopilot Crash 💥
It's a bit of a clickbait title, but I want to share with you this article from WSJ. Of course, $TSLA cars are, by number, the one that crashes the most, but this is just because they are the most used on the street right now.

This article comes to you for free, thanks to my WSJ subscription. Cheers! 🍻

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Tesla Tops List of Crashes Thought to Involve Driver-Assistance Technology
Tesla reported the most crashes suspected of involving advanced driver-assistance technology in the government’s first survey of such incidents. But the NHTSA cautioned against drawing conclusions about any company’s safety features, given the data’s limitations.

Sachiv's avatar
Ur absolutely right…Terrible clickbait! The very bottom of the barrel in “responsible” journalism. it seems more and more media sources try to twist news and forget objective reporting and unbiased analysis. I guess billionaires buying media adds fuel to the 🔥
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