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Comparing $UBER to $DASH (delivery perspective)
Here are the gross booking numbers from Uber's latest earnings report:

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And here are the revenues and their source from Uber's latest earnings report:

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And here are numbers from DoorDash's latest earnings report

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In this memo, I'm focusing on revenues from UberEats and from DoorDash.

Looking at $UBER:
  • Delivery booking grew by 12% YoY
  • Delivery revenues grew by 44% YoY

Looking at $DASH:
  • Revenues grew by 35% YoY
  • Total orders grew 23% YoY

Overall, it looks like Uber continues to grow faster than its biggest peer in the food delivery space despite the fact that DoorDash is purely focused on delivery while Uber is a conglomerate that is focused on many other types of services like rides and freight.

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