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Lofty AI 🏠 Big News
Hello fellow investors,
We have great news from the platform:

πŸͺ™ Lofty Wallet
A few weeks ago, they introduced the possibility of avoiding any external algorand wallet and managing everything on the website. This is a major shift to make the process of investing simpler.

πŸ” Secondary Market
Last week they dropped the bomb! Now we can trade our property on the secondary market. This is a major improvement. We can now buy and sell anytime we want, according to market conditions.

As usual, I deep dive into these two new features, showing how to switch to the new Lofty Wallet and place orders in the market.

If you invest in Lofty, let me know your thoughts. πŸ‘
Lofty AI - New Wallet and Secondary Market Review
⬇️ GET $25 FREE to invest πŸ‘‰ fellow investors πŸ‘‹Big news from Lofty. Now we can use the secondary mark...

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