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Dividend Quarterly Review
No dividends coming in for the rest of the month, so it is time for my quarterly dividend review.

Below is a brief summary of my dividends over the last 3 months:

Quarterly Review (November - January)
Total Dividends: $131.41
Best Month: December, $83.05
Quarterly YoY: -3.1%
TTM Yield: 2.79%

Dividend Preview (February - April)
Monthly Min: $23 (February)
Monthly Max: $70 (March)
Quarterly Total: $126
5 Year DGR: 6.97% (-0.05% from last quarter)

Roth IRA:
Quarter (November - January)
Total Dividends: $61.50
Best Month: December, $42.36
Quarterly YoY: +3.7%
TTM Yield: 2.50%

Dividend Preview (February - April)
Monthly Min: $7 (February)
Monthly Max: $35 (March)
Quarterly Total: $52
5 Year DGR: 4.92% (-1.07% from last quarter)

Some of the rebalancing I have done has shifted some of my dividend payments around. I am more focused on stable and sustainable dividend paying companies. As I continue to rebalance, I am not surprised to see my yield and growth rate fluctuate slightly.

I am finished with doing selling in my Roth IRA for a while, so it will be nice to see how dividends react with adding to my current portfolio.

In my Taxable account, I anticipate my yield and DGR will increase over the course of the year as I sell off some of my smaller positions and continue to build my highest rated positions.

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