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Derek's avatar
When you decide which company you want to add to your portfolio, how do you decide when
to buy them?
Since I have began dividend growth Investing, I have changed my mind on this so may
times. At the beginning my thinking was that I was Investing for the long term and once I was confident in the company the price should go up anyway. I didn’t pay any attention at all to the value of the company.

Once I began to get more confident in my ability to read financial statements, (Thanks
to a wonderful book from @eggplant). I began to dabble with Dividend discount models and discounted cash flow. For a while I got carried away with this and used it as gospel, but it relies heavily on assumptions around future cash flows, growth rates,
inflation, time period etc. There are plenty of Investors who have studied this stuff in college and their whole working life so it seemed crazy to think I cracked it in just a short amount of

As I evolve as an investor, I realise that, I do not need to pigeon hole myself in the thinking
of traditional dividend growth investors and that I can learn lots of different things for other types of investors. For example, I started to read Trade like a Stock Market Wizard by Mark Minervini to see if it could help improve where I initiate my starting position in a company.

Curious to hear from other investors, How d you decide what price to buy into a company you want to invest in?

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