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Company Deep Dive: Lululemon
Put out a Deep Deep on $LULU yesterday!

Some highlights include:
-A revenue breakdown of their company-operated stores and their DTC business.
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-A look at their geographic footprint.

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-A comparison to $NKE.
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And other growth nuggets like:
  • A Men’s product category that is quickly becoming a $1B business on its own
  • Their $500M acquisition of Mirror this summer
  • A newish paid membership program that is slowly rolling out
  • And last year’s announcement of a “Power of Three” strategic plan that includes: doubling of their men's business, doubling of e-commerce and quadrupling their international business by 2023.

Make sure to check it out and subscribe!

Past Deep Dives include: $MELI, $OKTA, and $SNAP!

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