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What would ChatGPT buy right now?
I got ChatGPT to give me an answer to an investing question, I was gonna try to do more and get more answers to other questions but I just did this one for now, took a few tries to get it to actually answer me lol.

Q. If you could own any company for the next 10 years what company would you like to own?

A. If I could own any company for the next 10 years, I would choose a technology company that is at the forefront of innovation and has a strong track record of success. Some examples of companies that fit this description include companies like Google, Amazon, or Apple. These companies are leaders in their respective industries and have proven to be successful over the years. Owning one of these companies would give me the opportunity to be a part of a team that is pushing the boundaries of what is possible and making a real impact on the world.

I think it may just like tech because it IS tech, lol.

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