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This might be my last memo on CommonStock
Recently, I started a new job and as part of my new job, I might have to let go of Dissecting the Markets to meet the compliance standards of my employer.

It's been an honor and a fun journey creating content on CommonStock and I'm thankful to have met every single person here and I'm thankful to have every memo that I was able to read on this platform.

Everyone here creates awesome content. The quality of content I've found frequently on this platform is similar to the quality of content I find on SeekingAlpha except the only difference is that there's no paywall preventing me and other people from being able to see their posts.

I hope more writers from SeekingAlpha choose to write their content on CommonStock to help broaden the reach of their writings. While I don't know much on SeekingAlpha's compensation structure, I do know that my writings get more views and engagement if they're made on CommonStock than on Vocal and other platforms. Any aspiring writer that writes about economics, stocks, finance, etc. should consider writing memos on this platform.

I'd like to thank @eggplant for introducing me to the platform. Without him reaching out to me on the day that I complained about the StockTwits platform, I wouldn't have learned about this platform.

I'd also like to thank @nathanworden for being my best friend on this platform. Thanks to Nathan, I was able to get help with technical issues, issues regarding spam on the feed, and my vast number of interactions with Nathan made me feel at home on CommonStock. I really enjoyed the Tik Tok videos that you've made with my content on the CommonStock Tik Tok page.

I'd like to thank the rest of the CommonStock team for creating and managing this platform. The impact that CommonStock has made on all of our lives is immense. Without this platform, I wouldn't have gained the wisdom and knowledge from the memos that others have made and I wouldn't have a platform that's easy and fun to create long-form content on. The contests that this platform hosts provided me an opportunity to apply new approaches to the way that I create content. The feedback that I've received from the community greatly helped with improving my overall content creation process. Plus, the prizes allowed me to treat my parents with gifts from Amazon, meals from Chick Fil-A and WingStop, and sometimes groceries.

Finally, I'd like to thank the community for all the support and great interactions we've had with each other. I've made many friends and met tons of amazing people on this platform. From high profile content creators on Twitter to up-and-coming stars of Stock Twitter, without CommonStock, I don't know what other platform allows me to meet people from both of those worlds. I wish you guys tons of growth and success with your content creation journies throughout 2023 and beyond.

I will talk to the compliance department and see whether I'll be given restrictions on the type of content I make or if I have to let go of this account and all the profiles it has on other platforms. For now, I wanted to use this opportunity to give all my readers a heads up because if compliance says I have to delete my account, then I'll have to delete it fast.

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