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The Stock I'm Happy I didn't buy
I just wrote an article about the stock that I didn't buy. This stock was one that a lot of us, self included really liked. However, it has taken a true nosedive like so many.

Take a read and see what company it is. Plus love to hear about the companies you aren't buying now and didn't buy before. Don't forget letting us all know why.

The Best Stock Purchase I Didn’t Make
There are times it’s smart to not put your money into the market.

Joey Hirendernath's avatar
Hi Jacob this was a great article.

Some standout takeaways for me were-
  1. "Don’t chase companies. They will always come to you."
  1. "If you want to buy a stock that was highly favoured for whatever reason, know that it can quickly go out of favour"
  1. "Understand your environment."

I've considered buying $LULU but I feel the valuation is certainly rich relative to the competition. On the flip side, the growth is impressive and new products should propel it forward. At the moment I do not have enough conviction to start a position.
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