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February Portfolio Review - Taxable Brokerage
I've been pretty busy so far in March, so this review is a little later than usual. Nonetheless, there is still the month of February that needs to be reviewed.

Portfolio Value
January '23 Month End: $17,367.29
February '23 Month End: $16,979.29
Value Difference: -$388.00
% Difference: -2.95% (excluding contributions)

Portfolio vs S&P
January '23 S&P Month End: $4,076.60
February '23 S&P Month End: $3,970.15
S&P % Difference: -2.61%
% Difference Portfolio vs S&P: -0.34%

Image upload
February '23: $19.90
February '22: $13.36
% Difference: +49.0%

PADI: $473.70 to $471.45

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$CARR - 0.0629 shares via dividend reinvestment on 2/10
$AAPL - 0.0061 shares via dividend reinvestment on 2/16
$NSC - 0.0060 shares via dividend reinvestment on 2/21
$SBUX - 0.0158 shares via dividend reinvestment on 2/24


Top 5 Positions
  1. $CMA - 11.0% (-0.8%)
  2. $VTI - 8.3% (-0.1%)
  3. $VEA - 7.6% (0%)
  4. $VWO - 4.7% (-0.1%)
  5. $ABBV - 4.6% (New to Top 5)

Top 5 Total: 36.2% (-0.7%)

Summary & Commentary
Not too much activity for me. Just let the dividends come in and do their thing.

There's some constant jostling for 5th largest position between $ABBV and $CARR. $CARR might take it over in March as it is currently my highest rated holding and where I would be deploying new capital right now.

March will probably be another month of relatively few buys. I am focusing on contributions to my Roth IRA. Relying on dividends for new capital slows the rate of new buys.

What are your thoughts for about this relatively slow month?

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