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Hag's avatar
Which investment platform for investing worldwide?
Short background on my investing journey: started investing in stocks 2 years ago after having watched and tried to learn as much as I could along the way.

I’m Irish based in the Middle East which affords me the luxury of investing without Irish tax implications (which can be excruciating) and enjoying returns from investments tax free also.

I started off using DriveWealth for investing in US stocks which worked fine but limits me to US stocks only.

Now I want to expand my horizons and invest in Canadian and European markets, and probably others as my knowledge increases.

I’m hoping that the collective of Commonstock geniuses can answer the question: is there any 1 platform that offers a one stop shop for investing globally? I don’t really want to have multiple accounts if I can avoid it.

If this has already been covered, please point me in the direction of the discussion, thanks.

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