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Compound Collaboration, Month #17
Every month I put aside some money into a portfolio aimed at long-term bets over the next 20 years. I will be gifting this portfolio to my future kids someday. I hope to use these memos as an educational tool to teach them about the world. With any luck, managing the portfolio will become a shared activity to collaborate on as they grow up.

It is one of the main reasons why I invest.

Post media

Performance from the first 16 months:
‌‌Month #1 Aug 2020: $ARKK +14%
Month #2 Sep 2020: $ARKG +0%
Month #3 Oct 2020: $BTC.X +286%
Month #4 Nov 2020: $BTC.X +146%
Month #5 Dec 2020: $NVDA +120%
Month #6 Jan 2021: $VT +17%
Month #7 Feb 2021: $PACB -32%
Month #8 Mar 2021: $TSM +9%
Month #9 Apr 2021: $KLIC +18%
Month #10 May 2021: $TTD +32%
Month #11 Jun 2021: $ETH.X +73%
Month #12 Jul 2021: $ETH.X +61%
Month #13 Aug 2021: $ROKU -37%
Month #14 Sept 2021: $ETH.X +24%
Month #15 Oct. 2021: $RBLX +36%
Month #16 Nov. 2021 $APPS -7%

Total Portfolio return: 53%

This month's addition: Vimeo

Quick Thoughts:

$VMEO has 200 million users, and less than 1% of those are paying subscribers.

Vimeo is shifting their strategy towards enterprise. They're going to start charging "per seat", which means that if one person in an organization is using Vimeo, it is easier to get other people in that organization to become paying subscribers as well.

70% of existing paid users were one free users. So their current users are a great place to start converting people.

This is a bet that this new business model takes hold.

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