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The Crypto Hypocrisy
To start, I am bullish on crypto currencies as a whole. I am (and have been) long $BTC $ETH and just re entered a position into $LTC.

I am what you call a crypto bull but that doesn’t mean I have internal bearish thoughts. I truly believe every intelligent investor should be constantly thinking of bear cases for their positions and constantly be reevaluating the cases over and over.

With this over the many years I have seen hypocritical positions by crypto bulls that conflict with each other when it comes to their cryptocurrency being a store of value vs. being a currency that is exchanged frequently.

It looks like this online sometimes:

“Everyone buy this crypto currency & never sell or give it to anyone, but it will be the currency of the future and everyone will be exchanging or purchasing goods with it, also it’s for the common person but I hope Amazon buys a ton of it so it pumps…”

If you don’t see this hypocrisy of bulls you haven’t been in the crypto space long enough. This has been going on for years.

My issue is it’s very hard to be a true store of value and an everyday currency at the same time. I also don’t know which one is better to be.

If you feel this hypocrisy and see it online as much as I do - what are your thoughts? Do you think my way of thinking is wrong?

Would love to have a conversation

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