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Performance 5/25/22
Up +0.87% for the day. Stocks initially reacted well to the fed notes, then came back down. $AMZN and $GOOGL still close to going under $2k. On my watchlist $NVDA was up big and I’m hopefully they do well in earnings and move semi stocks up. Overall I’m just holding until my stocks go lower to my next buy target and waiting for things to bottom out. My current portfolio is supposed by equal weighted so I’ll probably buy more $AMZN and $GOOGL so they are equal to my $MSFT snd $AAPL holdings. There was the temptation to go all in on $GOOGL and $AMZN but I’m glad I didn’t as they dropped much lower than I had thought they would back at the beginning of May, although their are so undervalued
right known so I’m very comfortable with a 25% allocations for each.

Joey Hirendernath's avatar
What would you say your strategy is here?
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