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Zoom $ZM Earnings Preview
Zoom'ing into earnings this afternoon, $ZM is set to report its Q1 financials.

Analysts expect $1.07B in revenue and $0.88 in adj. EPS. Zoom has performed poorly this year, down 52%, but does it deserve this drawdown?

Let's take a look!

$ZM saw a spike in adoption during the pandemic, lumping it in with other "covid beneficiaries" in the eyes of investors.

However, $ZM has seen operating income increase over the past two years, whereas others in this group have been flat or declined.

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Additionally, Zoom ZM generates significantly more free cash flow than some of the most popular SaaS stocks like $CRWD, $ZS, $NET, $SHOP, and $PLTR.

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Zoom becomes an even clearer outlier when you look at its free cash flow relative to its market cap.

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But everything has a catch!

Zoom has seen its revenue growth dwindle from a high of 368% to only 21.4%. Analysts expect this growth to slow again making it five straight quarters of declining growth.

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At the end of the day, it's up to you, the investor, to decide if Zoom is undervalued.
What do you think?

15 VotesPoll ended on: 5/24/2022

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