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The 90/50/40 Club
I was reviewing the margins for Doximity ($DOCS, reporting this afternoon) when I noticed they are sitting at an impressive gross margin of 88.8%, operating margin of 34.3%, and net margin of 47.2%. That triggered my basketball mind to think of the 50/40/90 club (for those unaware, that's a club of players who shoot 50% from the field, 40% from 3, and 90% from the free throw line in a single season).

Then I wondered if any companies are members of what I am now minting The 90/50/40 Club.

There are 9 with a market cap >$1 billion, a list unsurprisingly dominated by REITs. Very surprised to see a small biotech on this list. Has anyone ever done a deep-dive on $VIR? Would be curious to learn more.

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There isn't really any special point to this post lol. Just an interesting screener I thought up.

PS: Nice to see two of my positions, $IIPR & $MPW, in the elite club.

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