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Short review on why Skillz ($SKLZ ) is one of my top growth picks.
⁃ Just went public, owners of company in it for long haul, talking about going international (only in United States right now)
⁃ Mobile gaming was $8B industry, now $68B industry, $150B industry by 2025
⁃ 60% of phone usage is on mobile games
⁃ Game developers more now than ever. 30,000 in 2009, 10 Million now
⁃ Easy way for developers to make games (lots of tech needed and money but not on Skillz)
⁃ Growing from mainly iOS users to android (android users growing twice as fast)
⁃ Future focusing on fitness and education
⁃ 20% CAGR highest of any electronics (normal gaming 12%, movies 6%, tv 2%, music 5%)
⁃ Q2 111% increase in revenue

⁃ Skillz users spend 62 minutes per day on app more than TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, candy crush, Snapchat

**Side note to add: Ark has started a position and added to it a couple times. In there 2021 investing presentation she shares strong opinions on gaming and the future.

Plus they are adding Big Buck Hunter to their platform... and if I don't own one of these arcade games in the future I know I failed.**

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