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joseph's avatar
Housing Crash All Over Again?
Is the New mortgage program from Bank of America similar to the loans banks were giving out causing the crash of 08? Should people be allowed to buy houses with a low credit check? Does this cause more issues instead of solving the problem of trying to give people the chance to buy a house? I believe we will need dive into new types of homes such as "Boxabl" to allow people to buy cheaper homes in the first place with new tech and scaling abilities. Second we need to tackle city laws to allow these types of homes to exist in highly populated areas or cities.
Lastly we need to help people take better care of their personal finances so they can afford to work on their credit, savings account, and investing in second and third stream ways to create income. Let me know your thoughts!
BOXABL - Accessory Dwelling Unit
Rooms that stack and connect to create almost any building type. Single and multistory houses, multifamily and residential buildings, and many more.

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