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  • If you haven't read this already, this two part investigative report into Moderna is amazing.
  • The first part looks at the company pre-Covid – “From 2016 right up until the emergence of COVID-19, Moderna could barely hold it together, as it was shedding key executives, top talent, and major investors at an alarming rate.
  • The second part covers how the Covid crisis “bailed” the company out and the circumstances around this.
  • A very deep and in places troubling read.
Unlimited Hangout
Moderna's "Hail Mary"
Those analyzing the COVID-19 crisis and its effects have mostly focused on how its disruptive nature has led to major shifts and recalibrations throughout society and the economy. Such disruption has also lent itself to a variety of agendas that had required an event of “reset” potential in order to be realized. In the case of the vaccine industry, COVID-19 has led to dramatic changes in how federal agencies manage the approval of medical countermeasures during a declared crisis, how trials for vaccine candidates are conducted, how the public perceives vaccination, and even how the term “vaccine” is defined. 

Dillon Jacobs's avatar
Great suggestion!
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