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Are you team Buffett, or team Burry?
Looks like we have a battle between two legendary investors!

Michael Burry has apparently bet against Berkshire's biggest investment position, Apple $AAPL. Apple makes up 43% of Berkshire Hathaway's investment portfolio and Burry has bet against Apple with 18% of his holdings. Apple has been one of the strongest stocks during the recent sell-off, but let's take a look!

Aside from being the biggest stock in Buffett's portfolio, it is also the largest stock in the S&P 500. This size could be part of the reason Apple has held up so well relative to other tech stocks. Apple has been the best mega-cap performer relative to previous 52wk highs.

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Maybe Burry is making a bet against Apple because of its valuation. Taking a look at its relative valuation, Apple has the 3rd slowest revenue growth and the third-lowest price-to-earnings ratio. This seems reasonable, but maybe there is more to it.

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Maybe Burry believes Apple won't be able to sustain its current financial strength. For example, Apple's growth is slowing down, dropping from highs above 50% to 8.6%.

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In either case, this is going to be a fun story to follow as it develops over the coming quarters.
Who do you think is on the right side of this trade?

21 VotesPoll ended on: 5/18/2022

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