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S&P500 Logo Project
Hello fellow investors,
I am running a small project: I am crafting 1600x900 images of all logos from the 500 stocks in the S&P500. I am doing this cause I always need to search for logos to add to my posts, and every time it's difficult to find the correct dimension/resolution to share it.

So I decided to do it myself.

Post media

All logos are non-transparent, non-white background, with the perfect size to be shared here on CS or Twitter. The logos are also centered so that it will be ok in case of an automatic 1:1 cut.

I arrived at 180 logos, but already top 100 companies by market cap are there.
I will add around 5/10 every day.

Here below the shareable link; you are all free to use them for everything πŸ‘

Check out this Twitter Post designed by Luka.

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