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My Worst Trade. $OPFI
I really try hard to stay away from "bad" investments/trades but I have to admit there has been couple of them in my portfolio (since I started in 2019 in my webull account) that I'm not too happy about.

(PS I have executed about 80+ stock trades/investments/options out of which only ten or less trades/options have been in the negative out of which about nine are still open so still yet to be determined)

One of them (so far) is OppFi...

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$OPFI is one of the companies that I investment in around mid 2021 when SPACs were "hot" and I was a bit high (just tiny bit) on the markets.

I broke two of my main rule, one is not to invest into company that does not have at least five to ten years of public data (or publicly traded data/info) and two is to not invest outside of my circle of competence.

OppFi was a new company and it was a SPAC both which I do not know much about (well now I do)

I had opportunity to get out but I got sucked into the "story" by couple of podcasts and management...

Funny enough I still think this may work out but it might take much much longer then I thought before but I am monitoring it much closer (I'm aware that I'm biased to it because I been holding).

My main focus right now is the management and how they are handling current environment.

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Currently $OPFI is about 2.50% of my portfolio and I'm currently down on it about 45%ish.

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