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Beating the Market With Meme Stocks: $GME Intraday EMA Cross
$GME still gets a lot of attention. For example r/GME sub-reddit community has 361k members with 5–10 daily posts and quite active participation. Moreover GameStop as a company does not shy away from heating up the retail interest and actively engages into market frenzy.

I always thought that in such environment I should be able to make money from rapid runs up and down. Below is a strategy which worked exceptionally well this year.

I would also like to share a disclaimer before the strategy details and results:
> The post is not a financial/investment advice and presented to the audience for educational purposes. Trading stocks is risky, trading meme stocks is crazy.

The Strategy
My whole idea was not to overcomplicate hence I went with just EMA cross. After playing with it a bi at the beginning of the year it appeared that 10min EMA 4×8 Cross worked the best. So I ended up with EMA 4×8 and a trailing stop loss.

Below are a couple of images for lazy readers presenting the strategy and the results for the period from Jan 1, 2022 till Aug 10, 2022.

The strategy presented have been developed, tested and executed live with Breaking Equity Algo Lab

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Preston | Investor Insight's avatar
I love EMA crossovers especially the 9/21 on the daily 👌🏼 It’s one thing I look for when taking trades.
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