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First Quarter in Review: Where Do We Go From Here? Jarvis® Update March 31, 2023
The first quarter in the markets has been anything but dull.

We've seen volatility in interest rates, Federal Reserve rate hikes, and a mini-banking crisis, but we've still weathered the storm. We are as optimistic as ever, but also with the understanding the prices may not move up in a straight line from here.

The opportunities both in growth stocks and in fixed rate securities are still plentiful, but we see interest rates starting to fall, which means the chance to lock in 7-8% annual return in quality corporate bonds won't be here for much longer.

Take a listen to our first quarter review and the thoughts of CEO Noland Langford and Director of Research, Brian Dress, for the rest of 2023 (and beyond). We welcome your thoughts in the comments and we'd be happy to answer any questions.

If you still have cash sitting in the bank, now is the time to act to get something locked in with a higher return for a longer duration. Reach out and we can set up a time to talk in more detail!

Topic 1: First Quarter in Review
Topic 2: Outlook for the Rest of 2023 (and Beyond)

First Quarter in Review: Where Do We Go From Here? Jarvis® Update March 31, 2023
The first quarter in the markets has been anything but dull.We've seen volatility in interest rates, Federal Reserve rate hikes, and a mini-banking crisis, b...

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