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Drone Industry
This industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 42% in the coming years.
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There are many industries that benefit from drone delivery/drone use.

Some of the industries that benefit from drone delivery/drone use include:

  • Photography, Entertainment, and Media
  • Agriculture
  • Environmental Monitoring and
  • Conservation
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Engineering
  • Real Estate
  • Delivery
  • Emergency Services

Drone delivery has many advantages over traditional methods of delivery. Some of the
benefits of drone delivery include:

  • Improved delivery times
  • Reduced CO2 emissions
  • Optimized routes
  • Faster and more efficient way of delivering goods, especially in rural and remote areas
  • Less congested roads
  • Lower delivery costs in the long run

Wing by Alphabet: $GOOGL is developing drone delivery technology through its subsidiary Wing. The company is currently testing its drones in select locations in the United States, Australia, and Finland. In Australia, the company has been delivering items such as food, coffee, and medication to customers’ homes. In the United States, it has been delivering products such as over-the-counter medicines and snacks to customers in Virginia.

Amazon Prime Air: $AMZN has been working on drone deliveries for several years through its Prime Air
program. The company is currently testing drones that can deliver packages up to five pounds within 30 minutes. Amazon’s Prime Air drone delivery service is still in the testing phase, but the company has received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to conduct outdoor drone testing in the
United States.

UPS Flight Forward: $UPS has been testing drone deliveries through its Flight Forward subsidiary since 2019.
The company has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval to operate a drone airline and is currently delivering medical supplies and samples to hospitals and clinics in North Carolina.

Flytrex: Flytrex is an Israeli drone delivery company that has been operating in Reykjavik, Iceland since
The company has been delivering food and other items to customers’ homes in the city but also in selected areas in the US.

Wingcopter: Wingcopter is a German drone delivery company that has been operating since 2017. The company has been delivering medical supplies and other items to customers in several countries, including Malawi, Vanuatu, and the Dominican Republic.

Zipline: Zipline is a startup that focuses on using drones for medical deliveries in developing countries.
The company has been operating in Rwanda since 2016 and recently expanded to Ghana. Zipline has been using autonomous drones to deliver medical supplies to remote areas in Africa since 2016.

DHL Parcelcopter: DHL Parcelcopter is a drone delivery service that has been operating in Germany
since 2014. The company has been delivering medical supplies and other items to customers in the Bavarian Alps.

This Industry Will Grow at A CAGR of 42% in The Coming Years!
In this video, I will talk about investing in the drone industry, which industries will benefit from drone use, and what the advantages and risks are as well...

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