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Buyer Beware
There's a reason I warn about the risks involved with junior miners. From changing political winds to disappointing drill results, there's a lot that can go wrong. I do my best to avoid companies where management has a questionable track record - but even those more experienced in MinTwit than I am can still be duped.

If you're on Twitter please check out my thread there as well.

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Re-upping this post because I'm seeing some Twitter activity that suggests some people need to be reminded:

X (formerly Twitter)
JennyManyDots (@jenstilmanydots) on X
Time for a thread, blocked by a few big accounts last time I did this - badge of honour: The BCSC uncovers a B.C. ring of pump-and-dump schemers 'Despite the absence of any news about its business, its share price climbed 417 per cent over 20 days'

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