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Stock Pundits..
PSA! Extra extra read all about it! You are hearing it here first!

I can’t count how many pundits I’ve heard talking about the Fed reversing course on its rate hike vs. inflation strategy. Personally, I don’t know what they are smoking but it’s gotta be good to think that’s gonna happen.

The UN is the latest calling for a shift from QT to QE and in fact some countries are changing course. The fed, however, I don’t think can turn the ship around even if they wanted to at this point. I expect they continue hiking as planned as they have already openly stated that they are prepared for “pain” to slow the economy to combat inflation.

As for the current state of affairs, y’all can call me Dan Rather because I have more news for you. We are already in a recession.

Stick to your strategies, raise cash, expect more volatility!

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