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Overcoming a Poverty Consciousness
We all dream of becoming financially free one day and being able to live life the way we design it. Unfortunately, though, we don't necessarily believe that it's truly possible for us, no matter how much we try to do all of the right things. Something that often lacks from financial literacy is the notion that people have to actively work to deprogram themselves from the poverty consciousness that they’ve inherited first, as a means to accept a wealth consciousness, which will positively impact every aspect of their life.

Having a poverty consciousness can show up in anyone, no matter what their income level is, and it reveals itself as a feeling that you never have enough, but more importantly, that you never are enough.

In thinking about my own journey, I’ve been on a quest to unknowingly overcome a poverty consciousness, which is defined as:

Most people are operating from a place of lack, and it has negative ramifications; mostly being that there’s no sense of peace in one’s life, and there’s this constant striving for more. It doesn't help that when you turn on the news all you see is doom & gloom, and when you go on social media all you see are people flexing to make you feel lesser than them. What you focus on is what expands, and more isn’t going to solve the sense of unease that you have within—only through tuning in and becoming aware of your own programming can you actually take the steps toward changing it for more advantageous programming such as an abundance consciousness.

Because of my own programming, even when I was doing the saving & investing, I’d reach a point where mentally I did not think that I deserved it, and I’d find a way to mess up whatever security I’d created for myself financially, because ultimately, I wasn’t secure within, and that had to be reflected back to me in the outside world.

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”
Hermes Trismegistus

To keep this short—in order to truly be abundant and to attract favorable situations to oneself, you have to have adopt an abundance consciousness. Otherwise, even when you do hit it big with a great investment or really great anything, you will find some way to mess it up to align with your state of consciousness.

Doing the inner work is just as important—if not more—as doing the outer work of saving & investing. So ask yourself this question: do I feel secure within myself and feel I deserve good things to happen to me? Why or why not?

It is only in piercing through your own mental veil that you can build a life of security where your outside world reflects how you truly feel on the inside!

Your money trauma starts at childhood | Your Brain on Money
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