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My April Returns Are In!... And They're Not Great.
Thank God I'm a buy-and-hold investor whose horizon is 20+years!

My retirement brokerage, which is ~92% of all my equity/crypto investments, trailed all three benchmarks I use ($SPY, $QQQ, and $VTI) but, honestly, not as badly as I thought.

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YTD is a tad bit worse.

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My taxable brokerage, which is is heavy in early stage medtech companies and much smaller and thus more prone to return swings, is also held up surprisingly well.

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YTD on the taxable is a bit worse than Retirement.

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Regardless, I keep buying when I can and looking to the future when we can look back to this time period and go, "Man, those were cheap prices. I wish I had bought more!"

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