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Core Holdings for My Daughter's Portfolio in 2023
Much like my portfolio and its core 34 holdings, I've prioritized seven stocks to pick from when adding new money each week to my daughter's portfolio in 2023.

Here's the list and why each one was chosen:

  • $CASY - hands down her favorite stock -- she loves Casey's pepperoni pizza and sees the stores everywhere in the Midwest.
  • $CMG - Close behind her love of Casey's is Chipotle. Not much to discuss here, and an excellent, simple stock for her to visit and understand.
  • $KO - Despite how annoying she probably thinks I am about how often she is denied a Coke, she loves the stuff, and it is also an easy stock idea to grasp. I like the stability and dividend.
  • $IDXX - Easy pick for a girl who loves dogs and animals in general. I'm a massive fan of their ROIC and couldn't add them to my core holdings for 2023, so IDEXX Labs was an excellent way to get them added in some form.
  • $POOL - Once again, I love the ROIC; she loves what they help create and maintain. This will be the only overlapped position between our core holdings in 2023.
  • $UNP - Another reasonably easy business concept to understand, and I like adding another dividend to the portfolio.
  • $BOC - I'll admit, this is more of my pick here, but it is HQ'd near her hometown (like Union Pacific), and its billboards are a simple enough business idea to understand.

I'd be curious to know, if you pick stocks for a custodial account, or were given some growing up, what are/were they?
Which one of her favorites is your preferred investment in this group?
11%Casey's General Stores
17%Pool Corp

17 VotesPoll ended on: 12/3/2022

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