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The Buffett Dozen
Warren Buffett's 12 Decisions That Changed the Game

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Warren Buffett, the investment maestro, has a simple formula for success: make one good decision every five years. In his 58 years at Berkshire Hathaway, he credits just 12 decisions for the company's mind-blowing 3,787,464% return.

🧐 So what were these game-changing decisions? While not all of them have been explicitly mentioned, we can identify some of the most valuable investments and partnerships. Some of the highlights include:
  1. Coca-Cola: A $1.3 billion investment now worth $25 billion.
  2. American Express: Another $1.3 billion investment, now worth $23 billion.
  3. Charlie Munger: Buffett's invaluable partner whose worth can't be calculated.

🌟 Among other significant decisions were acquisitions like National Indemnity (1967), See's Candies (1972), Berkshire Hathaway Energy (1999), and transformative investments like Burlington Northern Railroad and Gillette.

🔑 A pivotal moment in Buffett's career was his first business love - Geico. A chance encounter with the CEO after hours led to a lifelong fascination with insurance and, ultimately, the acquisition of National Indemnity.

💡 Buffett's success lies in more than just his investments. He's known for hiring exceptional people, such as insurance expert Ajit Jain, and for having the wisdom to follow their lead. When Berkshire Hathaway bought into Apple in 2016, it was a move made by his deputies, and it has since grown into a massive $150 billion position.

🎯 The takeaway? Success isn't about making every decision right. It's about making the critical decisions phenomenally right. As Buffett says, "The weeds wither away in significance as the flowers bloom." 💐

Warren Buffett’s Formula for Success: One Good Decision Every Five Years
Berkshire Hathaway has obliterated the market in his 58 years at the company. He credits roughly 12 decisions.

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