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My January Portfolio
Happy New Year everyone! The plan is to continue to make small moves and keep everything else nice and steady. I do have plans to make some moves in a few weeks. I'm looking to increase my share in $WSM, after not doing it last month, as I wanted to sit out the craziness of December. I felt it was best to just start fresh.

I'm still a big fan of $ABNB, even with the new variant, I believe they are set up to push right through without any issues. As $TSLA continues to have a good runup, this work well into my plan to closeout that position in a few weeks. I'm mainly going to do this because I have other things on my watchlist that fit into my mindset for 2022, and I need those funds to fund it. All in all, looking to forward to see what this year and month have to bring.
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