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My Personal Savings Rate 2022
Since graduating college I set up a spread sheet to track my monthly income and my monthly expenses. Every year. Every month. I didn't miss a beat. I tracked where my money was going to help me stay the course of paying off my student loans ASAP. I smashed my goal and made my last payment to the "thieves" a little under 5 years after graduation.

Tracking my money became such a habit that I continue to do it to this day. Now, instead of trying to pay off debt, I try to save more money to INVEST. I do a yearly review of my current years spread sheet to see what my SAVINGS RATE was (before Uncle Sam swoops in and snatches his share). 2022 came in at a savings rate of ~40% and I'm hyped!

I don't usually boast about things but I just wanted to share this incase anyone needed to hear it!

"Discipline equals freedom"

Get out there and crush 2023!

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